Friday, July 8, 2022

The Supreme Court Overturns Row vs. Wade

June 24, 2022

I have been praying for this since I was born. DNA is there at conception, where human rights begin. Now it is the law of the land, yet again. BUT THERE ARE GRAVE CONCERNS  as this was done without universal health care, and without help for unwed mothers and the children of these mothers! It is time for us to help these women!

 I always said that if this ever happened, I would go immediately to a pregnancy crisis center and volunteer! So I did!
 The reason why I included my Facebook post is because the 2 people who who liked it represent the 2 opposite ends of the spectrum: one vastly conservative the other incredibly liberal. Unity is my goal! Let us all live together as one. Peace! ✌ ☮ 

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