Friday, July 8, 2022

Texas 2022 : New Mexico & Abeline Texas

Immediately after Edisto, we started our next adventure!! We added a couple of new states to our list: New Mexico & Texas.  We saw the Mississippi from the plane! I had the absolute best sopapilla that I ever have had in my life! We also went to the church of the Holy Family in Abilene, Texas. Because of recent shootings in the area, there were cops stationed nearby. They were the ones who I asked about the best Mexican food. This church had the most interesting stained glass windows (and tabernacle) we have ever seen! They were very much modern depictions of Mary Joseph and Baby Jesus. Was the feast of the coming of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost! Even though we decided not to dig for topaz in Texas, we ironically stopped on the side of the road and found some beautiful agates right there!!

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