Friday, July 8, 2022

Texas 2022 : Pre Chosen

 This June I had an amazing opportunity to be an extra on the TV show the chosen! It is my absolute favorite TV show that is trying to I'm to provide a way for everyone in the entire world to watch the Gospels of Christ for free! It is turning The Bible from black-and-white to color! When I heard I could have this opportunity, I jumped on it. I had to pay for my spot and I had to pay for our costumes which we made ourselves. But it was all worth it! The rest of these pictures require explanation. They walk you through the huge process. 1st you have to realize that covid is still still in the US. We had to be tested twice. One test was a PCR test a day or so before. We passed! There was also an antigen test while we were in the parking lot before we could even board the busses. We passed! It was amazing to see the line of cars, like a pilgrimage going to the holy land! We had to store everything in 1st century bags, that I made myself! Finally we were on the bus to the set and had to be searched through security. We were finally given our official extra pass!! Notice that we have a green dot on our pass. That means we were in the green group, but we were able to ask if we could participate in all of the groups!

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