Monday, April 29, 2024

Filming The Chosen Season 5 : Costumes , Location & Set

Being an extra in the TV series, The Chosen (a show about Jesus' public ministry, and the largest crowd-funded project in history) is becoming my legacy. It is one of the most exciting things I've ever participated in and that I'm most proud of. Here I am with Shana on the first day of the shoot, in our first costumes. 

First, filming the Feeding of the Five Thousand (where the vibe was self-described Christian Unity) and now filming Flipping Tables and Pharisee Confrontation (where the vibe was just like the scene, tensions were running high).

I am proud to say I designed and tied my braided headscarves the second half of the week myself! It was fun to mix up the costumes for fun.

Because Season 5 takes place in Jerusalem (beginning with Palm Sunday and going through Holy Week), filming this time was on set in Goshen, Utah which is about an hour from Salt Lake City. It was filmed at the Mormon Jerusalem Set (which is used for all of their religious films and they originally let the Chosen use for free, until this season). 

There are many parts to the set, but the relevant parts to us were 1. the outside of the temple (called Solomon's Porch) where you can see the columns and the money changers tents (which we used for the first 2 days when Jesus flipped the tables & confronted the Pharasees) and 2. The Court of Women/Gentiles where there are 4 prominent obelisk, and stairs leading up to a gold door (the entrance to the interior of the temple). We used this for the last 2 days of filming the "Woe to you Scribes & Pharasees" scene.

The video here (and the photo screenshots) were taken from a short Season 5 teaser included with the first episodes released of Season 4 in June 2024.

It is also important to note that all visible phones and all photos were forbidden on set after the first hour (because of people abusing the system). Security was HIGH I think because of the war between Israel & Palestine.

Monday, April 29 (Day 1) Flipping of the Tables Day

Tuesday, April 30 (Day 2) The Confrontation with the Pharasees (very end of Episode 3 of Season 5) ... and a few more shots of the table-flipping.

Wednesday-Friday, May 1-3 "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees" scene, all filmed in the Court of Women/Gentiles. They asked us to wear the same costumes because we would be standing in the same place all 3 days.
Here you can see BOTH parts of the set we used. On the right is Solomon's Porch, where the flipping of the tables was filmed. You can see the tents & tables of the money changers. The gold tent on the very bottom was a special pyrotechnic tent that would catch fire! On the left, the room with the 4 obelisk is The Court of Women which is also called the Court of Gentiles . This is where we filmed the "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees" scene the last 3 days. You can also see the blue screens used to insert the special effect background of Jerusalem.
The front of the Temple & steps in Solomon's Porch. ... The vantage point (to the right) of where I was standing the first 2 days. The rules were ABC (Always Be Crossing) unless we were told otherwise.
The door to the Court of Women/Gentiles view from Solomon's Porch. Vantage point (to the left) of my 1st 2 days.
Near the sheep-fold, another one of my "background reset" point behind the 2 professional children actors (the only ones on the set) who began the "Hosanna to the Son of David" chant that I continued and followed Jesus out. There was a big issue with people shouting "Hosayna" in stead of "Hose-ah-nah." So there was a lot of refilming.
Here was my crowning glory, a truly illegal shot I shouldn't have taken. Here is Jonathan Roumie (Jesus) at the end of a shot, and the director Dallas Jenkens (left).  It was really neat to see Jonathan preparing for a shot especially one that was very full of tension in that he would yell out to get in the right mood for the scene and sometimes he would go up to the character he was supposed to be angry at and say something to get him into an angry mode.
Now THIS is an empty view of  The court of women or the court of gentiles where we filmed the last 3 days. I was standing in between the 2 obelisks on the right. And jesus was about 8 feet from me. To the left was the golden door leading to the inside of the temple with steps where the apostles filmed the parable of the vineyard.. To the right was the exit door Is leading to Solomon's porch and the outside of the temple.
AND HERE WE ARE!  In the next picture I have circled our head dresses. This is from a shot from the teaser of the shooting of season 5. And you can see how close we were to Jesus in these scenes.  We stood here for 10 hours a day 43 full days, and it was the hardest physical work I have ever done. It ruined the outside of my feet. They would never be the same. 

 When the court of women was the holding area and we were shooting on Solomon's porch the first 2 days,, There was an awesome opportunity to take a picture with one Roman soldier in 1 temple guard. I am so glad we got this picture!

For the video, click this link and FF to exactly 01:29:00 to see the teaser! 

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