Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Cathedral of Mary Magdalene, Salt Lake City Utah

An amazing Cathedral with all sorts of cool, Utah "easter eggs," the biggest of which is probably the representation of the Shoshone people in the likeness of Jesus in the Stations of the Cross.
 The cathedral also have one of the most interesting crucifixes that I have ever seen with Jesus on the cross but the face of God the father above the cross with his hands holding the horizontal cross-bar and the dove representing the Holy Spirit above the entire image.
 Underneath the cross is a large portrait of Mary Magdalene and underneath that is a huge relequary with 3 pieces of Mary Magdalene's hair! First class relics! I made my rotary a third class relic of this one.
 The most amazing first class are relic that this church has is two small pieces of the true cross of Christ that are arranged in a cross shape in another relequary on the side. 
 Even though I had already made my rosary until 2 a third class rwlic of the true cross at the treasures of the church display a long time ago, I touched it again to this particular relic.
 In another relequary, the church also has another set of relics of 33 other saints all first class relics pieces of bone.  This is the largest collection of first class relics of any church that I have ever seen! And yes, I made my rosary a third class relic of these as well. The list of which is below.
 Next is the most interesting example of cultural appropriation that I have ever seen with the top state glass window containing white Jesus and the station of the cross below it containing a Jesus that is obviously Shoshone native American. This is such an interesting way to insert Utah into this church!

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