Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Big Snow 2009 (Day 3): Snow Slides & Igloos

I just love this picture of Annie! . . . among others in her favorite position: relaxing in the snow. Exhausted by this point, the girls were content just sitting at the bottom of the hill (you can see the trash bag Leia used to slide inside of) munching away on snow. There was so much snow on our steps, Mamma got the idea to make a slide out of it. Fun! And then we made a REAL igloo, . . . big enough for both girls to sit and play inside. So strange, the blue light from within the igloo, the icy/earthy smell from inside . . . and the headache it was to hollow it out!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I would have been very disseminated without seeing you in the igloo!