Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa Breakfast 2009

And right smack-dab in the middle of it all (all the Nutcracker madness, I mean) was the Immaculata Santa Breakfast. And I mean it was on the BUSIEST day possible: Saturday (the day of the two performances in one day) and the girls are already sporting their sculpted "Nutcracker Hair." Still, it was lots of fun as always, even with fun crafts at the end. Oma & Papa had just moved in, so they were there with bells on, . . . glad to finally be a part of the girls' lives. Annie still wasn't keen to sit on the big man's lap, . . . but she was more than happy to stand beside him. (A funny note, if you look at the first picture from far away, it looks like Leia has really big feet!)

Something I'll always remember: In reference to Leia's request for a Zhu-Zhu Pet, . . . "Can ya' get it, Santa? It's the toy of the year!!!" LOL! And in response to the girls' lists (which contained things like an elephant and a pony, . . . "Boy! You girls sure like BIG presents!" LOL!


Nina said...

Yes, I noted the feet! LOL

I was coordinator of the Santa Breakfast at Karin's school for 2 years. Pleasant memories...

Codruta said...

Christmas is my favorite time of the year! From all the pix, it looks like is your favorite time, also! Merry Christmas my dear friend!