Friday, December 18, 2009

The Big Snow 2009 (Day 1)

I just LOVE this picture, because you can really tell how HARD it's snowing outside! When all was done, we would get just under a foot of snow and at least four days packed full of snow activities! : ) Here are the girls, poised for a snowball fight, . . . Leia Rose and her smiling snow angel, . . . and our first-ever sledding experience in our neighbor's pasture, . . . a GREAT sledding hill, . . . complete with Annie's complaints as to how hard it is to walk back UP. LOL. We learned really fast to use our old footprints to make things easier. Truth be known, there would still be snow in shady places in late January!!! Now THIS is mountain living!!!


Nina said...

LOVE the pink snowsuits and the girls in them!

Codruta said...

Day 1! Snow for ever and ever! Snow Day! Remember that movie? Fun for the children, but not all that fun for the adults? We lived that movie! We still are!