Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Nutcracker Takes Its Toll

During all of these days and nights of Nutcracker practice, I knew that the rigorous schedule was bound to eventually take its toll on Leia Rose. Sure enough, one aspect of her behavior deteriorated at school: complaints/disrespect. Mrs. Canning told me that Leia Rose actually was talking back to her with, "I don't like to do work. I'm not going to do this work!" Mrs. Canning said that we should probably nip this in the bud. We did. The punishment I formulated was to 1. Compose and write an apology letter to Mrs. Canning. and 2. Write "I will not complain to my teacher." Ten times. (Leia chose to draw the picture of her and Mrs. Canning herself.) If Leia Rose ever complains again in school, . . . ten more lines will be added to the original punishment.

But WORSE is that the same day (or another day in proximity) is that she fought with Mrs. Canning about putting her coat on. (Big surprise. Leia has NEVER liked to wear her coat.) Ironically, this one came down right outside the principal's office. "Leia, this is the third time I've told you to put on your coat." "I'm not putting on my coat, and you can't make me!" Mrs. Breerwood (the principal) heard it this time, . . . and as she emerged out of her office, Leia screamed a sarcastic, "What!" Then Breerwood let her have it. Tears ensued. This won't be happening again. ; )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Let's not forget where Leia learned to write so impeccably! Did I say the word correctly, my dear English teacher?