Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Treats 2009

I can't even tell you how hard this was to get all of our Christmas treats made during the Nutcracker madness. Note Leia and Annie doing chocolate molds in their Nutcracker hair! : ) Yet somehow we were able to get them all done and out in time for Christmas, the girls having the most fun with the cookies. Leia had a blast naming her snowmen this year: "Look, Mamma! It's FROSTY the snowman! Get it? FROSTY?!?" You can also see the Annie/Daddy/Leia cookies I made above Annie's best snowman in yet another picture. Leia also got creative and did a "sister" cookie of both her and Annie. And then there was "Officer Snow" dressed in his snowman police uniform, . . . and Annie holding her very favorite.


Nina said...

What wonderful cookie decorators they are!!!

Codruta said...

They are learning from the best! That is you, Noelle!