Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leia & Logan at Christmastime

As I dropped Leia Rose off in the first grade classroom to prepare for the Christmas Program, . . . she ran right over to Logan, and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. This is their reaction right afterward, . . . and oh how they look just like an old married couple! This is now the second year of this special relationship, . . . and quite honestly, many people notice Leia's and Logan's special connection to each other. Whenever I help monitor recess now, I have both parents and teachers coming up to me and asking about the two of them, . . . noticing how much they simply enjoy each other's company. Christine (Logan's Mom) and I have both had to have a discussion with the couple about kissing only on the cheek. Logan's response: "That's okay, Mom. Leia and I decided we're not going to kiss on the lips until we're in college." LOL. I laughingly tell Christine that, this is it, . . . it's all downhill from here. I couldn't pick a better boy for Leia if I tried: a nice Catholic boy who has a good relationship with his Mom and knows how to treat women with respect?!? I couldn't be happier with this match!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I do not know about that! If remember correctly, Leia did kiss Logan on the lips last year, Kindergarten class! the did not get timeout for that!