Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Annie's Lip

Poor Annie. What a day it was this Wednesday when she had to have the (big) bump on the inside of her bottom lip removed. About a month ago, Dr. Reid (the girls' dentist) noticed a "mucus seal" on Annie's bottom lip. It got bigger and bigger and bigger. He said to take her to an oral surgeon if it didn't go away in a month, so we did. Meanwhile, Mamma was doing some MAJOR dentist role playing with Annie, . . . even using Orajel to numb her mouth so she could tell what it would feel like. The result: a totally relaxed Annie! (And Mamma did a really good job hiding her nervousness.) Annie was simply happy that she was promised a pony afterwards. : ) The nurses and the doctor (or the "dentist" as we told Annie) were FLOORED that Annie was so calm. Everyone came to talk with her and marvel at her blue eyes and happy demeanor. Anyway, it only took a minute or so, . . . no tears, just an "Ow. OW!" when she was given a shot of Novocaine. My instructions? Take her to get ice cream immediately (in lieu of an ice pack), . . . then to get children's Motrin, . . . then to get the pony. Well, we high-tailed it to Kilwin's (the famous ice cream shop in town). Annie requested a strawberry ice cream. BUT she literally took three licks and I noticed what I thought was a hair hanging from her top lip. Nope. It was the stitches! Suddenly the flood gates opened and Annie bled all over the ice cream shop!!! Annie, who has a mild fear of blood, absolutely freaked out. I'm afraid I did too (as I kept weighing emergency room vs. back to the doctor). I RAN with Annie all the way back to the car, got back to the doctors office, and the doctor had gone to lunch!!! The nurses worked with us to stop the bleeding, . . . and then went out to buy Annie both Motrin and FOUR PONIES with their own money!!! The doctor came back and did the whole surgery AGAIN! This time Annie cried a little bit, but she was still good. : ) Now the stitches held and we could leave. . . . and later we went back to Kilwin's with Leia and Alexis to get the free cones the owner had promised us. WHEW! Poor little Annie. Posted are before and after pictures, as well as us at Kilwin's and Annie with her ponies. : )


Nina said...

Wow! A story that started out to be wonderful turned really ugly! I am not at all surprised that you had Annie totally prepped for this day. Good job, Mama! But then the oral surgeon... hummm.... Not sure I would ever go back to him for anything! But it looks like All's Well that Ends Well?

Nina said...

BTW... that's quite the lump!!!