Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Leia's Cheerleading

Ever since the possibility came up, Leia Rose has been begging us to allow her to cheer for the Immaculata basketball team: the Stars. This brings back SO many memories of cheering at Saint Helens School! Here is Leia in her cheer uniform. The little ones only cheer at the girls' games, so as not to make it too long and overwhelming for them. I just love the third shot of Leia when she realized (from across the court) that we were attending her first game! Annie, however, wasn't thrilled with the prospect of basketball. The whistles and buzzers were a bit too much for her. "I will just sit here and cover my ears. And, no, I do NOT want to read a book about basketball."

1 comment:

April said...

I'm loving the new blog posts. You're giving me something fun to do at lunch time.

I love you.
