Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Tea

"Sit by the fire. Share a cup of Christmas Tea. We'll talk about the past, and all our family. We'll gather with the children, and see how they've grown. We'll talk about our loved ones who are gone . . . " Such an unusual Christmas song, . . . but one of my very favorites! And every year we get out one of the girls' little tea sets and drink that special Christmas tea from the recipe that, a long time ago, I received from Leia's Godmommy Natalie. I have vowed to do this, . . . just myself and the girls every single Christmas, . . . no matter what. It will still be beautiful when we graduate from the child's tea set, . . . and begin using Memaw's special one. And on this day, as on many days, I cried, . . . because I am just so conscious of having a two beautiful girls at two beautiful ages, . . . being so blessed in so many ways, . . . "and time just slips away. But the holidays are special, as we gather round the tree. Let's share this time together with a cup of Christmas tea." A special sign, the rainbow of God's number (7) on the wall as we sipped? I think so! Even though I really needed to call this "After Epiphany Tea." : )

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