Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Big Snow 2010 (Day 1)

I am still floored at how very different snow can be from time to time! This snow was fluffy for the first few inches, but then was packed down under a few inches of sleet. The result was snow that was fabulously fast for sledding (but not so good for doing anything else). Today was truly a sledding day. It was my favorite sledding ever, . . . it wasn't as deep as last time (about 5 inches), and we didn't need as steep of an incline to go fast. We slid right down our snow-covered road! Once we made a snow track, it was like a roller coaster over and over again. SO FUN!!! With our brand new blow-up snow tubes and a jump rope we made "The Family Toboggan" and we slid down the road as a family over and over again! It was so much fun! Annie, who was a little skooch today, ; ) got the best of it. I don't think she ever walked up the hill once herself, . . . we were always pulling her behind, . . . with her maxing and relaxing on the tube, sucking down sleety snow to drink. ; )


Nina said...

What fun!!! We didn't get the sleet snow -- well, not enough of it to make a difference for sledding!

Nina said...

Oh, yeah... You wanted me to note your jacket! I didn't notice; then remembered, so had to look again. It is not very visible in any photo, so it escaped me. So glad you are enjoying it and have two coordinating dolls!!!

Codruta said...

The hats are the best! Matching for all the girls in the family! Fun is what Winter is all about!

Sarah said...

Ungabunga. You and Brian are so cute!