Saturday, January 2, 2010

South Carolina State Museum Dinosaurs

Nothing excites my girls like a Dinosaur exhibit! Grandma had SUCH a good idea for us all to attend! I must say that this whole exhibit was SO well done, . . . I'm telling you, the animatronics were as good as Disney World! But, ironically, the place where the girls spent the most time was the excavation table where the girls found a dinosaur skeleton! The other really cool activity the museum had for the kids was a "create your own" life-size dinosaur! Different velcro tails, heads, spikes, plates, etc. were all poised on a wall for you to create! As for the real-looking ones, though, . . . Annie was never too sure. LOL. The other activity that the girls spent a long time with was the dinosaur puppet theater. I think ALL of us put on one or two shows! : ) They also got to touch a real dinosaur horn, . . . and Leia ended the day a dino herself (of sorts) as she protected her fries from Rush's.

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