Friday, January 8, 2010

No Hit! No Push! No People Named ANDREW!

The drawings of children are really telling, aren't they? This is a sign that Leia has been posting near all of her games lately. Now is the time to bring up Leia's big school issue this year: Andrew. Andrew came to the class as a new student this year and Leia noticed right away that there was something severely wrong. Fighting, hitting, kicking, disrespect, violence, bathroom words, . . . and severe classroom disruption. "Mamma, Andrew made this the worst day EVER!" I was in constant contact with the teacher whose responses at least originated with extreme concern. We began (and continued) with the question "What would Jesus do?", but when Andrew began leaving red welts on my child and hitting her in the head with balls, . . . Brian and I went to the principal. Long story short, there is mainstreaming going on here. Teachers are told to ignore all behavior that isn't violent. Our response was to be honest with Leia, in terms that her little-kid mind can understand: "There is something wrong in this child's brain that makes him act differently than other children. This does not mean it is okay for YOU to act this way. The teacher is watching him closely and will punish him at the proper time (which is never in front of the class). Always, always be kind, Leia! But honey, please try to stay away from him! And if he says something horrible right to your face, why don't you say, 'God bless you, Andrew.'" Ironically, Leia had already come up with a better tactic. "Oh, Mamma, I am already doing something that works. When Andrew says something horrible, I just smile." Wow. I am SO proud of her!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Are Catholic schools not allowed to weed this type of kid out? The Independent schools that Greg and Karin attended would never have accepted such a kid.

Very sad... for everyone!