Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Big Snow 2010 (Day 2)

Even though there was a lot of melting going on outside today, we decided (Mamma decided?) to go sledding outside anyway. Our snow track on the road was gone, so we needed to find another place. We decided to try the pasture this time. Mamma went down first just to make sure it wasn't too fast. I stopped a lot sooner than I thought (right by the barn). Thinking it was okay, we decided to toboggan together. I was the end tube just so I could hold the rope handle (thinking I could roll off and stop everyone if it got too fast). We started down. It was too fast. I rolled off, . . . and the jump rope handle BROKE! It was a parent's worst nightmare! Somehow Brian and Leia rolled off, but Annie kept going on down. She slowed up, . . . but then she hit the fence post, went under the barbed wire fence, and right to the edge of the ravine with a small stream running underneath it. Brian scaled the fence and grabbed her. I just sat in the snow holding my little Annie who was crying and saying, "Mamma! I bumped my head!" : ( When Leia asked Daddy what was wrong, he screamed, "Your sister just hit a fence post, went under the barbed wire, and almost went over a cliff!" Such are the exploits of inexperienced sledders. : ( We are really blessed that the only injury was a black eye from the fence post. I shudder to think what could have happened. : ( Poor Annie!!!


Nina said...

After hearing the WHOLE story, thank heavens for a black eye!!!!

Codruta said...

This is definitely not a black eye! it is pink!