Saturday, February 5, 2011

An Action-Packed Day in Buffalo, NY

Renting a 4x4 car with Oma, the girls and I headed up for a few action-packed days in Buffalo, NY. The main goal was to celebrate Great Grandma Betty's 90th Birthday (!!!) surprise party, but seeing that the last time I was in Buffalo in winter was when I was 11, ... and considering how dangerous travel is over here at this time of year, ... this is probably the last time we will be able to do this, so we made the most of it! First thing that surprised us: the HUGE snow mounds in parking lots. Here are Leia & Annie standing by one, just showing how big these mounds are. This began a day where Mamma planned FAR too much stuff, ... but getting it all in was important, so here we go, ...

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