Friday, February 18, 2011

Experiencing Immaculata Pre-Chocolate Day

How often is a kid told, "Okay, here's a bag for your candy, ... now take ALL YOU WANT!!!" Even I stood there with my mouth open for the 3rd grade's "Chocolate Day" at Immaculata. The second grade was invited, of course, ... and I came with Annie to catch a glimpse of our future. Mrs. Garcia is amazing with this project that turns the 3rd grade classroom into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, ... complete with a chocolate science area, a good-egg-bad-egg eggdacator, a gum station, and a Wonkavator. Even Alexis' mom, Maureen, was an Oompa Loompa! Willy Wonka himself even met the kids at the gate! I can't WAIT until next year, ... as long as I don't have to coordinate the whole thing. Ha!

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