Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Word About Weather in Buffalo

I simply cannot believe that I was driving in these conditions! I literally couldn't see the road on the way to Terry's from the birthday restaurant! This is what it was like to and from Niagara Falls as well. As I was driving on the road, I was looking at other people like they were nuts. They all had faces on like "it's just a normal day." I am in awe of what these Buffalonians have to do in order to live here in the winter. Without a garage, ... and after you go anywhere (Church, shopping, a restaurant, etc.) you ALWAYS have to brush and scrape the car. Brush because the snow has built up on it while you inside for only a little while; scrape because the snow that fell first was warmed by the car and then froze to ice. You are literally brushing/scraping the car five times a day. Incredible! Then there are the icicles. I finally figured out that nothing ever really has time to fully melt, ... so even if it gets above freezing for an hour or so, the water drips down, and over days and weeks forms these icicles, ... look at the one Leia has, ... it was like a baseball bat! The other thing that was a surprise to me was the sheer height of the snow packed down where it hasn't been shoveled, ... like in the picture of the girls at Park School. It's like people create these tunnels to their homes and on their sidewalks, ... and the snow that is never shoveled (the snow in the yard) just builds up until it melts in the spring. It's like driveway claustrophobia! Finally, driving back, and probably the last once-in-a-lifetime experience, we drove in full snow, ... under a blue sky!

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