Saturday, February 19, 2011

Leia's First Reconciliation

What a special day!!! Leia Rose: forgiven for all of her sins! She truly is the "light of the world" as a result! Leia has been preparing for this all year, and we started really early on learning the "Act of Contrition." [Actually, they had them learn a "new" version, but Leia worked very hard on the time-tested one that both Oma and I had to learn (and still say), so of course, the priest let her say any one she chose, ... so it was "Oh my God, I am heartly sorry, ..." as it always has been.] Leia confided in me that she hoped she'd "get" Father Nick. Can you believe, she DID! Did she understand that it wasn't Father Nick at all? ... but was Jesus acting through him? Maybe. ; ) When we first got there, Leia found her friend Morgan and they took a special picture. Then she put on her special candle pin and began saying decades of the special rosewood Rosary that the girls gave me for Valentines Day and looking at the special packet prepared for the children on this special day. After a short Penance Service, it was time for the children's first confession. They allowed me to walk Leia Rose back to the special little room where Father Nick sat. I said as much of a Rosary as I could while she was in there. (And I'll admit, Leia told me exactly what she would say. So I expect that Jesus heard, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. This is my first confession. My sins are, ... I cut Morgan's hair. I disobeyed my mother and father, I showed disrespect to my mother and father, I pushed and hit my sister, and I lied." After Jesus gave Leia absolution through Father Nick, I even caught a shot of Leia right as she exited. We walked happily back to our pew and Leia colored her candle pin and proudly pinned it on the banner. There are a few things Leia said today that are especially notable. Leia was so excited to confess her sins to Jesus, ... she wasn't even nervous. After her first Reconciliation, Leia said, "You know, Mamma, Mrs. Breerwood said that, after Confession, we might feel a little bit different, and I DO! I DO feel different!" But the ultimate proof of joy was Leia Rose skipping down the aisle to leave and saying, "This is the best I've EVER felt in church!"

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