Saturday, February 5, 2011

Buffalo via Snowmobile

Now THIS was totally unexpected: a snowmobile ride! At the end of our sleigh experience, the owners asked if we'd like to take a ride, ... and we said, "HECK YES!" Yet another once-in-a-lifetime experience today! The owners took Leia, then Annie, then Mamma on a ride. And, I'll admit, there was something really freaky about me letting my two tiny girls go off alone, without a helmet, with a grown man, who I didn't really know, going 60mph on a machine that I wasn't familiar with. You can see the freakyness in the picture with Leia on the pile of snow with little Annie on the snowmobile FAR in the background. Still, it had to be done. These kids could NEVER do this in the South. It was a true blessing! And of course, I have a video of Leia coming back and she screams into the camera: "That was AWESOME!!!" Ha!

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