Thursday, February 10, 2011

Annie's Beloved "Seep"

Just a little bit of backstory, ... a special homemade present from Grandma after Annie was born, this blanket has been Annie's love for as long as she can remember, continually inspiring Annie to suck her thumb and fall asleep quickly. Grandma spent hours crosstitching the entire alphabet, Annie's birthday, birthweight, length, and "Grandma Loves You!" right into this special blanket. The name came because we used to ask newborn Annie, "Would you like to go to sleep?" Well, she DID want to go to sleep, ... and because this special blanket was always in her bed, she thought we were asking her if she wanted to go to her blanket. When Annie learned to talk, she said her beloved blanket's special name as well as she could, and the name stuck: "seep."

1 comment:

Nina said...

Original, for sure!