Thursday, September 24, 2015

Entrance into the Convention Center (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

Amid the mass-confusion that was the beginning of this World Meeting was a beautiful, exact replica of the Pieta. It turned out to be the meeting place each day for our entire group. We also had to wait in lines to get our cool WMOF gear and our important tickets to the Festival of Families and the Papal Mass. The Papal Mass ticket was literally a "golden ticket" which made me sing Willy Wonka songs quite a bit. I also have included a picture of my badge that I sent to friends Josh/Nick and Karl/Diego. They are two alternative families one of which adopted a 15 year old boy from an orphanage and the other literally rescued a baby while mom was on the way to an abortion clinic. I told both families that I would wear this pin and tell their story to anyone who asked me. Interestingly enough, the pin was given to us by a young lady giving many out to support the cause. The pin had to be chosen carefully so as not to proclaim something we didn't believe.

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