Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Basillica of Saint Peter and Paul (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

In another interesting relinquishment of control, Shana and I traveled on our own the the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul which was a VERY important part of the pilgrimage. The Basilica itself was interesting, and the altar inspired the official World Meeting of Families image below. "The iconic image, commissioned by the archdiocese and painted by local artist Neilson Carlin, features the Holy Family standing with the Christ Child and Mary’s parents, Sts. Joachim and Ann. The original oil painting measuring four-by-five feet will be on display in the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul through the end of next year’s World Meeting of Families." All of the family members here are connected through touch (which I LOVE). The coat of arms at the top left is that of Philly and at the top right is that of Pope Francis.  Jesus holds up three fingers both in blessing and in the indication of the third person of the Trinity:  the Holy Spirit (the two fingers that are down represent his dual nature: human/divine).  And we saw the REAL image at this Basilica; however, I didn't realize that at the time (in that the tour was less than adequate). You can see it in photo of the altar and the close up of Shana and I (on the left side of the picture). Near the image was the very special bell that is only rung when the Pope arrives (and had never been rung until that very next day) as well as the "umbrelino" which shows it is a Basilica.

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