Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Festival of Families: Being 10 Feet Away from POPE FRANCIS! (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

Let me tell you something, the Festival of Families was really a big "place to wait" for the Pope to drive by. If I wasn't so dedicated to getting a front row seat (we were smushed under the Guatamalen Flag  that was blue and white) for hours and hours, I probably could have enjoyed the festivities more. I heard Matt Maher in person! I heard one of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan, in person! But the irony was, this was RIGHT BEFORE the Pope. We had been smushed in line for five hours. It was REALLY hard to laugh at Jim Gaffigan's jokes under that kind of pressure. All I could do was look up at the trees and think of peace in order to achieve it. ... So I took a picture of what provided me peace: looking up in to God's creation. Luckily, one of our pilgrims were members of the press, he skipped over the barricade and took a picture of us waiting for the Pope to drive by! We allowed the handicapped to sit in front of us, of course, but other than that, we were FIRST IN LINE!  As it got dark, here came Pope Francis!!!  It was SO very exiting and VERY important that we saw this in that, at the time, we didn't know that would be the extend of our experience.  After Pope Francis rode by, we walked directly to one of the big screens and sat front-row to watch Aretha Franklin and such.  The irony ways, I know media is not Pope Francis' "thing," as he has said as much.  There were a few times when he looked SO very awkward.  It was funny.  Shana was taken aback that Marky Mark was the master of ceremonies, considering his questionable past. What we thought was more appropriate was a small collection of families from all over the world who approached the Pope and told their story.  It was a wonderful event where we remained until we had to head back to our hotel.  And the fact remains:  WE SAW POPE FRANCIS, AND RECEIVED HIS BLESSING FIRST HAND!

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