Friday, September 25, 2015

The Shrine of Saint John Neumann: Seeing oum First Incorruptible Saint! (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

I am embarrassed to say that I began my visit here with much skepticism. An incorruptible saint in the USA? It was unbelievable. The wax "death mask" just didn't look real. I was given a blessing with a first class relic, as was Shana (see photo), and then I began asking questions. Turns out that Neumann truly IS an incorruptible, but his face was corrupted when someone touched it early on. Further, his whole body is still there except for the hands and feet which were taken off to make other first class relics to venerate around the world. Shana and I took seats in the front row where she could pray in front of the Black Madonna and where we could see the incorruptible in full view. Again, we had a private Mass with the priest on our pilgrimage, and it was amazing to have the altar BE the tomb in the crypt! Back up at the main church, we saw some other second class relics of Neumann: his "discipline" and his "mortification" which was a metal type of garter that would wound him a bit whenever he used his leg muscles. In the second to last picture, I also have a picture of the priest on our pilgrimage.

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