Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Mass at Mother of Divine Providence (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

With nothing really "special" about this church (except for the fact that our "private" touring priest and deacon opened it up for us), there was something really wonderful about our first Mass in Philadelphia, PA: we came to the realization that we would be able to attend Mass every single day together. I also got the clearest picture of my pastel rainbow guardian angel (Ruth) whom I have known since a child, but has always remained a bit veiled. It was also really evident the connection of good/evil in regards to mental illness. We have a severely handicapped child, Nathan, and his family on our pilgrimage. During the consecration and throughout the Mass, Nathan would periodically cry out. I couldn't help thinking of the Exorcist. I knew then that this child would be very special. Nathan ended up being the catalyst for my healing and closure at the end of the trip. More on that later. We were also blessed with seeing a very unusual statue of the Blessed Mother and Child. Jesus lay across Mary's lap with Mary holding His hand over her heart.

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