Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Shana and Noelle: Beginning our Pilgrimage to the Pope (WMOF Papal Pilgrimage to Philadelphia 2015)

Two years (and two jobs) in the making, this trip was truly a labor of love. It wasn't until the day before that we knew we could go. Shana has had severe neurological issues in her back, hip, and leg for six months. Three weeks prior, the doctors indicated "surgery." Ten days before the trip, the doctors indicated "immediate surgery" on a Saturday, no less. Shana had surgery, healed as well as she could, and we waited. The day before the trip (and before any surgical follow-up appointment), Shana's wound suddenly opened up. Shana went to the doctor and I PRAYED. I realized that this trip could be taken away. I offered up all I could. (There are always a few sins that I am hanging on to.) This being done, Shana got the "okay" from the doctor, and we were off (with lots of extra bandages and pillows). There were many unknowns about this trip. Would we be judged by the other passengers? (We were.) Would we be the poorest people there? (We were.) Would we be able to give up control to a group of people? (We were.) Was the bus going to be uncomfortable? (It was.) The rest had yet to be seen.

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