Sunday, January 8, 2023

Driving Crosscountry 2020 : The Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah

 At the very Western edge of the salt lake basin, is the most serial place we've visited which was the Bonneville salt flats.
 It began as this salty slush on the side of the road. It looked exactly like slush after a snowstorm.
 It even felt exactly like slush, with none of the coldness though! You can tell by my face that it was very surprising!
  Then suddenly, on both sides of the road for miles and miles, were these  Salt flats marked by many cracks in the crust. After feeling the strange salt slush, we thought this was going to feel like table salt or more like the salt in the slush on the side of the road, but it did not. It was very very hard and sharp!
 As you can see from this picture, if you put your whole weight on it, you would make footprints, indentation in the salt crust.
 Seeing the sunset over the salt flat was one of the truly magical moments of this entire trip.
You can see from this picture that the salt flats were literally right beside the road on both sides. In fact, you could DRIVE ONTO THEM if you wanted.  And we noticed that many people actually did! It seemed to be the popular thing to take your truck and drive donuts around the salt flats with your friends if you were a teenager. After the beautiful sunset over the salt flats, we also saw people made fires in the middle as well. Such different activities in this part of the country!
 And even though it is a strange photo, I thought it was important to show the amount of salt on our feet after coming back from here.

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