Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Driving Crosscountry 2020 : Commercial Rockaway Beach with its Catholic Church and Clams

 Here is what the commercial side of Rockaway Beach looks like.
 And of course it would be me who would find the one little Catholic Church in Rockaway Beach which was aptly named Saint Mary by the Sea.
 I thought it was pretty neat that they had a large painting of Jesus calming the sea and helping Peter walk on water.
The biggest factory in Rockaway Beach was the Tillamook creamery. We sell this cheese at work, it is fairly expensive and good quality.
 And here is how they sell seafood on Rockaway Beach. They sell cups of clams! It was some of the most delicious seafood that I had ever tasted, and completely different from what we find in the East. We got a recommendation to try the Offshore Grill, so we did, and we ate our class right on the beach!

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