Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Driving Crosscountry 2020 : The Weasku Inn in Grant's Pass, Oregon

If I had to choose the treasure out of all the accommodations we had over these couple weeks, the winner would be the Weasku Inn. (The name is. Play on words, as it is pronounced "We Ask You in." Came upon it by chance in calling around in the pitch darkness of the night. One cabin left. The picture perfect example of the American Northwest.
It had an amazing view from.the porch. I didn't get the stream in the picture, but I remember it was quite strange with some kind of flowing water plant.
It was here that Shana revealed this set of bracelets. One has a bird. One has a tree. They symbolize giving our children, Leia and Harvest, both roots and wings through this journey.

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