Sunday, August 16, 2020

Driving Crosscountry 2020 : Souvenirs

 Although this picture does not do it Justice, this was the absolute best souvenir idea ever! I took a trowel and lots of plastic bags and in every state or interesting place we visited, I dug out the bag of soil. When we got back, I bought these large tall vases and we added about an inch of each soil on top of each other from the 1st layers on the bottom to the more recent layers on the. From bottom to top Here are the layers:  Atlantic ocean Edisto Beach South Carolina. Lake Murray South Carolina. The Clower home place Pickens South Carolina. Graceland in Memphis Tennessee. The Mississippi river bank Tennessee. Arkansas. Missouri. Kansas. Rocky mountains in Denver, Colorado. Great basin Utah. Arches natural park Utah. Bonneville salt flats Utah. Nevada. Redwood forest California. Portland Oregon. Pacific Ocean and Rockaway Beach Oregon.
 And for a second souvenir, and the one I received many compliments on, i bought 2 leather backpacks and had a professional cobbler sew on a patch for each state or interesting place we've visited. I would add to this for years and years, even adding patches for Edisto Beach beach and Hawaii.

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