Sunday, September 7, 2008

Annie's Buggy Party

Here is one of the highlights of the special two-year-old birthday party we all threw for Annie today! (We wanted to throw Annie a little party before we moved, because her real birthday will be within the first week after moving.) Ever since last weekend (when we went to a rained-out show), Annie has been mesmerized by this puppet performance of "I Am an Insect" by Paperhand Puppets. I am not exaggerating (for once) when I say that EVERY SINGLE DAY she has asked, . . . "Puppie Show? Puppie Show?!?" And today was finally the day! As a result of Annie's interest, we decided to throw a little party for Annie and give the donations for all of her friends to come and enjoy the show with her. The families in attendance: the McNeils, the Oberlies, and the Andersons (but I have a feeling that the Faulkners were here in spirit). ; ) Before the show we would simply eat cupcakes, open gifts, and dance. This was a real difference for the high-strung-high-activity-packed party planner who is Noelle who finally got to sit back and enjoy a more relaxing party. ; ) And no one was happier about it all than Annie. : )
We had been watching the birthday episode of Elmo so very much, that Annie actually understood what to do after we sang to her!

. . . and she was able to blow out one of her little candles with such a cute, soft breath! Yay Annie!!!
And then she did what she did the whole day, . . . "Puppie show, Mamma! Puppie show!" (See video below.)
And here is Annie after licking the frosting off of one cupcake. (I made cupcakes with bug figures perched atop chocolate "dirt," by the way.)
But little did I know that while I was talking, Annie kept reaching into the cupcake carrier, tossing the plastic insects aside, and licking the frosting of more and more cupcakes. Ha! Here's her face after the second one.
Um, . . . and the third. Don't expect this too often, birthday girl. Ha! ; )
And I just love the look of concentration on Annie's face as she opened all of her presents.
Especially this one that had some paper in the top which confused her . . .
. . . until out came a life-size kitty puppet!!!! Oh my gosh! Can we say "favorite present"?!? ; )
Ah, and then the music began and we had some dancing girls on our hands. : ) (By the way, Leia Rose was thrilled to have a fun time with Jessica and Heidi this evening as well. She hasn't seen them in a while.) Even little Greta had fun! (See her in the background?)

And here is the typical snapshot during the show: Annie mesmerized and Leia Rose eating popcorn. ; )
But Annie would always remove that thumb to comment on interesting parts. : )

Gosh, I just love Annie's face in this picture. : )
And now some images from the actual "I Am an Insect" show by the Paperhand Puppets. Each year these puppeteers put on a show that mesmerizes youngsters. As for the adults, we go back and forth between being just as awed as the children, . . . and being creeped out by weirdness. Ha! (I'm afraid these shows are always littered with muted political statements that fall just short of me getting irate. Ha!)

The bumblebees showed up to buzz around their combs . . .
which magically turned into flowers. What cool little paper contraptions these were (that resembled the "cootie catchers" that Papa used to make when I was little). Of course, the flowers turned into a polluted city, which turned into broken flowers, which made the bees despair, . . . but we won't go there. ; )

This was the weird part: the creation story featuring a sun-god and a big spider. Hmmmm. Still mesmerizing, though.
And then came the absolute BEST part of the show!!! These butterfly puppets were phenomenal!!!
. . . And the big one flew right up by Annie, to her delight!!! Happy birthday sweet girl! Glad you enjoyed the "Puppie Show"! : )


Karin said...

How fun!! I didn't know that Annie was so in love with the show prior to the party! Neat! Her eyes are so big while watching!!! :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Faulkner clan missed a fabulous party and performance! Too bad, but life is not perfect.