Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Forgot to Mention . . .

At the time when Leia Rose was praying all of those prayers for Daddy to get a job, she used her coloring skills to DRAW what she imagined Daddy's job to be. Isn't this a wonderful picture? I particularly like the car in the parking space and the pretty purple flower gracing the outside. : ) But it was what was written on the back that was the tear-jerker:
"Dear Daddy, I love that you got your job! Love, Leia Rose" I couldn't help shedding a tear.

And BTW, Karin had a REALLY encouraging day today with all of her testing she had done!!! Radiation starts tomorrow and kidney removal is scheduled for 9/19. Remember what Leia claims about her prayers?!? Uh huh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one awesome picture!!! Do you have artist on a list as one of the potential occupations for her?