Monday, September 1, 2008

"Kitty in a Warm Place"

When Annie took a nap today, Leia Rose came to me and said she wanted to play "Kitty in a Warm Place." ; ) Leia was a bit sad that all of our blankets have been packed, so Mamma suggested towels! Problem solved! First we hid the towels, then found them again, and then chose places to create a "warm place," all the while acting like kitties. : ) Here is Leia's warm place. (I'm really gonna miss this window seat.) : (
Then the game morphed into creating a "kitty tent" with the coffee table & towels, . . . and keeping warm in there. I was only able to get my head and shoulders in. Ha!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Speaking of things being packed.... where are all your pictures of mounds of boxes and packing tape??? ;)