Saturday, September 13, 2008

Special Visit, Special Gift(s)

This was a really important visit to the Faulkners' today. Not only was it our last visit before our move but also it was the first visit after having learned about Karin's most recent medical issues. Karin had e-mailed me earlier that day and asked if I would like to come and paint her toenails (in that she is unable to these days), and I not only said "absolutely yes" but I offered a foot massage as well. It was wonderful to have some time, just us, as our children played together with Bockba Nina (Karin's Mom) watching them wherever they roamed.
Leia Rose adores playing "wild" with Kevin, . . . especially when she's in a "wild" kind of mood. Well, she certainly was today!!! : ) What a great action shot!
But the highlight of their playdate (besides jumping off of Kevin's bed upstairs, that is) was drawing with bath crayons on the bathroom walls. Look at Leia Rose's keen unicorn!!! : )
Yeah, I had brought over some fun/cute/inexpensive nail polish stuff for Karin & a tape of Miss Spider's Sunny Patch for Kevin and Kien, . . . but what I was NOT expecting was all the gifts showered on us! Here is Leia Rose with what is sure to rival her favorite pink heart jewel ring (also from Kevin): a beautiful heart jewelry box that Kevin painted himself!!!
Leia Rose was SO touched by this gift, . . . and she did the little thing she always does when she is very touched by something: she tilts her head to the side, smiles coyly, and bats her eyelashes. Ha! : ) Kevin made this for Leia Rose as a going-away present, and poor little Kevin cried so hard when she left. : ( I told Kevin that he and his family could come sledding this winter up in the mountains, . . . but I think that excited Steve more than Kevin. Ha! : )
And in addition to a special birthday present for Annie (that I'll save for her birthday post), LOOK AT THIS!!!! I was so touched by this scrapbook that I cried. Right in front of Karin! (Even after I had told myself that I wasn't going to get emotional over there. Goodness gracious.) This little book documents our entire friendship up to this point!!! Wow!!!
It begins way back at Furman when we were cottagemates, and goes through when we next met up again before Leia's baby shower (where Karin even made the cake!), . . .
and goes from when we brought Leia Rose over after she was first born . . .
all the way until the Faulkners first met Annie, . . . and ALL the other playdates in between!
It ends with Kevin concentrating on making the special heart jewelry box for Leia Rose, which she was holding in her hand while I was looking at this. Such memories! Karin and I have always bonded over creating and then sharing our precious memories with each other, so this gift was incredibly apropos. Both this gift and its creator are very special to me!!!
And let me end this on a humorous note, . . . because this was another gift from Karin today. Ha! Now with my bumper stickers, I'm all decked out for the election! Palin Power: Activate!!!

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Love the shirt!! Palin Power!