Friday, September 12, 2008

Tickle in More Ways Than One

There is NOTHING more adorable than the way Annie says "tickle." : ) She pronounces it "tee-toll" and I just melt each time she does it. (The only exception is when I'm trying to cook dinner and I hear this at my feet: "Kitty tee-toll. Kitty tee-toll. Tee-toll, Mamma! Kitty tee-toll, Mamma!") Because, you see, Annie Katharine has fallen in love with her life-size kitty puppet which she has named "Tickle." ; ) This was a gift from the Andersons for Annie's birthday party, and yes, this was the item pulled out of that illusive bag. I don't think we'll be able to beat this gift, . . . even on her actual birthday! Thanks so much Emily, Heidi, & Greta!
Now, when Annie requests, "Kitty Tee-Toll, Mamma," this is what she is requesting. She wants me to control the puppet while Annie puts something random into Tickle's mouth. Tickle then says "puh, . . . puh" while making spitting sounds. Annie has never laughed harder. (See below.)

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