Friday, September 5, 2008

Leia Rose & the Power of Prayer

I have been meaning to write this post for ages, but there just hasn't been an appropriate time until now. Perhaps that's why God was saving it for this very post. Anyway, Leia Rose has been totally empowered by prayer these days. It all started one day when I was driving back home and, not paying attention, I got caught up in the absolute worst fluke rainstorm of my life. It was so bad that I, quite honestly, couldn't see where I was going. Leia Rose got really scared and began praying for the rain to stop. She hadn't been praying but for a few seconds, . . . and suddenly the sun was shining!!! We were all amazed!!! And that was the moment that Leia Rose began believing in the power of prayer. Next, a few days later, we had a house showing and the realtor locked the door from the laundry room to the garage! We were essentially locked out of our own home, not knowing where the key was (and never having used it)! Again, I asked Leia Rose to pray, and at that moment Brian remembered the bag of keys that kind of "came with the house." And inside, and among the hundred keys or so that were in there, was the one to the garage door! Wow. Thirdly, we asked Leia Rose to pray for Brian to get the job at PharmAgra. We asked her to pray for this each day from Brian's interview on to the job acceptance. And now, when you say congratulations to Brian, Leia Rose pipes up with, "Well, you know that was really ME. I'm the one who prayed about that and got Daddy the job." There's no bigger smile on her face than when she says that little quip. ; ) Lastly, there was Hurricane Ike that we ALL thought was going to be a category 5 storm slamming into my parents in Ft. Lauderdale. Again, we asked Leia Rose to pray and that storm turned south and away from them.

I swear that these are all miracles, and I need to utilize the power of this young and innocent prayer for my friend Karin's recent tragedy. So don't worry, Karin. Yeah, yeah, all those other friends and family members praying for you on your next appointment. Uh huh, . . . WELL you just don't need to worry any more because now you have LEIA praying for you, . . . and just look at her track record! ; )

So as a result, when we really want Leia Rose to pray one of these special prayers, we say, "Okay, Leia, we need you to pray one of those stop-the-rain--find-the-key--get-the-job--move-the-storm kind of prayers, okay?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled to hear that we have a great prayer warrior pleading with God to work a miracle in Karin!