Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Mountain Home

And as of this evening, we are the proud owners of a beautiful mountain home along a little mountain road! Little did I know that the closing was just the beginning of our work. To put it in perspective, just imagine that every single item you own has to find a new home, . . . and YOU have to be the one to make every single one of those decisions. It would take me about a month to get back to "my old self," so-to-speak. And even at that time, the pictures have yet to be hung, . . . but we are able to live (among the myriads of workers, that is). And since we nixed our garage (because I found out I was able to park both of our cars under our deck!), we were able to make lots of improvements to make this our dream, with everything from painting to carpet to extra windows to the main highlight: a really spectacular stone fireplace. And when all is complete, I will post more photos.