Friday, September 19, 2008

My Dear Friend Karin

Although there is great turmoil in our lives right now, that is no reason to neglect prayers that are most important. Today was a very significant day in my dear friend Karin's life, today she had her diseased kidney removed due to an advanced stage of cancer. And this is the way Leia Rose dealt with this tragedy (which I tried to explain to the best of my ability as we prayed together). This is a picture of Karin (in the hospital bed) surrounded by flowers and cookie bouquets (and given privacy by a curtain) and the doctor who is curing her. I couldn't help noticing that two particular things: 1. The doctor was a woman. ; ) And 2. Both the doctor and Karin had REALLY big smiles. Leia Rose said that was because "Karin is getting better, of course!!!" Leia was right. Over the next month, Karin would recover from surgery, have a HUGE birthday celebration, complete her radiation, conquer her fear of blood tests (almost), have a port inserted, get poked/prodded/slapped-on-hard-surfaces for numerous tests, and begin a state-of-the-art clinical trial with some new medicines that should help her beat this cancer!!! Her improvement continues to be positively amazing, . . . a true miracle. (But I can't discount my sadness at being so far away now, at the very moment that Karin probably needs me the most.) : (

1 comment:

Karin said...

That is sooo sweet!!!! Please tell Leia Rose that her drawing is beautiful!!!! :) :)