Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Kindergarten Project

When I pick Leia Rose up from Artgarden Kindergarten today, Leia Rose was given her first project: find two things that will fit in your hand, one that is alive and one that is not alive.
Leia chose a worm for the "alive" one. And we had lots of fun yesterday evening finding it! Annie helped by picking out a rock that was not alive. : ) And I couldn't help thinking of that great song on Sesame Street called "They're not alive" where the basic refrain is, "because rocks can't move and rocks can't grow and rocks can't breathe, and that is how you know they're not alive." Great song & great activity!!!


Karin said...

Cute! But ick!!! A worm???? ;) ha! I think I would have picked a flower. But if you pick a flower, is it still alive???? ;)

Anonymous said...

Ick!!! (Funny that my daughter used the same word as I! LOL)
BTW, Karin never blogged about Kevin and I seeing dead worms on the sidewalk in Aug. He said that their friends were in the ground watching videos.