Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kitty Pics (At Annie's Request)

Annie REALLY wanted to put kitty on her head for this picture.
And Annie, herself, said, "Take picture of Kitty?" while holding kitty out like this! : ) By the way, Annie's kitty has become her automatic conversation piece! Any time she meets a new person, she holds out her kitty cat and says, "This is key-cat. Name "Brown." Times Cherry. I love key-cats." ("This is my kitty cat. His name is Brown. Sometimes we call him Cherry. I love kitty cats.") I think this happened because people automatically see Annie's attachment to her kitty, so they ask her about it. Now she beats them to it. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kitty's neck reminds me of how your Lamby's neck used to look, Noelle :) That look comes from lots of loving!