Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Snuggle Angel?!?"

Just wanted to record this very dear occurrence right before nap and bedtime. After having "Mamma Nilk," Annie always requests "Snuggle Angel?!?" This means she wants to go over to the green sit-up pillow and snuggle near this little guardian angel pinned there. There's a story behind this pin, too. This pillow (and the pin attached) actually belonged to one of my former roommates, Elizabeth Friedline (now Elizabeth Shelton), from about 13 years ago! She got this little pin as a gift for her battle through cancer (which she has beaten now, twice). Anyway, when Elizabeth moved out, she offered me the pillow, and I took it. It's been in a room of mine ever since, . . . and I have never removed the angel. And now even my daughter is sharing in it!

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