Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Mountain Ballerina!

If there is one thing that's for sure, Leia Rose is going to be a ballerina for life! There hasn't been one week that has gone by that Leia hasn't mentioned starting ballet again. I decided that it would be a good idea to get Leia Rose adjusted to her new school first, . . . and so she is. Now it's the beginning of a new year and time for Leia to start ballet class! : ) Although this year, it's an hour long and it's ballet AND tap!!! Here's Leia's very first tap experience! And just wait until you see her recital outfit!!! She's dancing ballet to the Sleeping Beauty Waltz!!! : )

There are actually five girls in her class, but two were absent today.

And is this an example of a doting little sister, or WHAT!?! : ) Annie wished with all her might that she could be in there, too, but she had to be content with watching (and licking) the window. Ha!
And I found it really ironic that the ballet school is located right next to a model home for Nationwide, . . . a company my parents just might use to build a new home someday! : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, after seeing Leia on the gymnastic routine I have to say that I see her more of a ballerina, than as a gymnast. I know I said that she can do everything and anything she puts her mind too, but to me she is more of a ballerina. Could I be all wrong?