Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Games

Grandma got Leia Rose this GREAT new game called, "I Never Forget a Face" with all sorts of children from all over the world represented. It's a glorified memory game, but I LOVE the Montessori concept of it all. And amazingly enough, ALL of Leia's international friends are represented: Kevin (from Russia), Aria & Kien (from Vietnam), Yukino (from Japan), and even Sarah (a frequent visitor of Tanzania). AMAZING! Here is Leia Rose lovingly holding up the "Yukino" from the new game.

Leia Rose has also been enjoying Alpha-Bug-Soup a lot with Mamma and Daddy as well as this new violent ditty we play with Robbie the Robot:

It's called Try-To-Dodge-The-Flying-Disk-As-Mamma-Controls-Robbie-To-Shoot-It-At-You. Lots of fun. : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

This is a wonderful picture! As I am looking at Leia's posture, she looks more like a ballerina then a gymnast. Of course, she will prove all of us wrong!