Friday, January 9, 2009

Muffin Mix

Just thought I'd share what Annie and I did today, . . . it's my most favorite toddler game and it's called "Muffin Mix." You just get a bowl of six different kind of cereals or small snacks and ask the child to sort them (or ask them to "put this where it goes"). I used a snowman muffin pan to give our game a winter theme. Annie had SO much fun, and was SO proud of herself. (And she especially enjoyed snacking along the way, . . . especially on the Lucky Charms marshmallows.) Can you believe Annie's attention span was longer than mine?!? Usually, I try to post fewer pictures these days. But I SO enjoyed each one of Annie's expressions as she played this game, . . . so I just had to include them all. And as you can see, Leia Rose did it too:

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