Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Singin' in the Rain & Umbrella Fort (in January?!?)

It was just wonderful to put the "Singin' in the Rain" song on loop from the DVD player and, with the doors open, just frolick in the rain with the girls! And this 60 degree weather is in JANUARY?!?

The game today was all about running back and forth. Amazingly, Leia only landed on her bunnels once. And, yes, Cherry (or these days "Brown") got wet. ; ) Yep, right in a puddle.

Later we made a really cool "Umbrella Fort" on the porch! (And I have to say, it was SO nice to be able to walk from the rain to a covered porch where we could "de-frock." Wasn't as fun in Chapel Hill, trust me.)

And for some reason, this smile really reminded me of Kevin Faulkner, . . . so I started calling it Leia's "Kevin Smile." ; )
Evenutally they really got interested in making the little metal umbrella ring go up and down on the handle.

Oh, but I sure wish Leia Rose hadn't created this game called "Licky-Loo." *sigh* Cause just look what happened:

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Looks like fun! Wish we were having a warm rain. I'm not a huge fan when our licking games come up, either!