Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Big Snow 2009 (Day 2): Hearts & Bunnies

I think that Leia's and Annie's very favorite thing about this day was Mamma making them "treasures": hearts out of snow, . . . that they would proceed to munch on. : ) It was also a special treat for Daddy to be at home today (it was Saturday), . . . and so we all helped to make a "Snow Bunny" at the girls' request! And, of course, there was more sledding, . . . and Leia Rose found her own way to go down the hill really fast and fun: on her bunnels!!! : ) (Of course there was the minor problem of snow getting in the legs of her snowsuit as a result.)


Nina said...

A snow bunny! How hysterical. But it looks like it became a snow cat eventually. ;-)

Codruta said...

The hearts are the best! Bunnies come and go! The hearts stay for ever!